Friday, August 15, 2008

Never renew the darkness again.

I know we're not the kind of friends who are "in tune" with each other (for you have yours and I have mine). but despite the differences, I'm glad we're still best friends. Hence, the brown and white shell (sorta like yin and yang =])

SO. Bio camp was a blast! I had so much fun. we met so many nice people. and hiking the hill is so much FUN! lucky tak kena leeches. but my teacher told me this really frightening story bout kangkung. which I probably won't eat from now on. oh that reminds me, I need to tell my grandma the story so that she cooks it right. heh. I got a mixer and a blender, compliments from winning a bowling comp. yeah I know. I never did play well and suddenly won prizes pula. funny la. and they gave us a free sleeping bag, mosquito net, bag, shirt and band. the sleeping bag and mosquito were really an extra, we didn't expect to be given those. THANKS MR. FONG! XD XD
Special thanks to:
Encik yusuf: batman.
Mr.Pang: birdman
Cikgu Nasir and Mr. Jinis: treemenn
Pak Sani and Unung the orang asli: plotting people
the cooks
the renjers
already mentioned Mr. Fong

ahh bio camp. will miss it so. lol. and tmr I'm leaving for another in KL. let's see how that goes.

WALL E! my bro say nice. have to book today. actually its quite expensive to watch la. but its so cute. hmm. apala. all fully booked. can always risk the chance of going there 45 min before time. LOL. I dunno la.

a lot of insect bites on me la. aiyo. zambuk is my new best friend. heh.

I'm always tired. any suggestions on how to keep awake? =.=

Phieneas and Ferb! brb. hehehe.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


yo, yo yiggity yo! finally back in Malaysia; where the food is awesome, friends are familiar, and the weather is hot and humid. ...yeah I'm not so thrilled bout the last part. Back in form 6: not so good. Catching up on a month's workload is almost never fun. lol. Hey, I'm Sherilyn, an aspiring pharmacist who's currently working her butt off in L6S3 and trying to enjoy school life as well.

(2)My little idiosyncrasies make me, me. Things like shedded hair drives me crazy and cute babies obtain my absolute attention! Cute-chubby-sweet-innocent-little-things; what's not to like. (the stares from the parents are sometimes pretty un-welcoming. heh.) Everyone has their little quirks which set them apart from everybody else. Like the fact that I'm checked out half the time and 'huh?" is my second most uttered word. Phineas and Ferb cracks me up. (name of a Disney show, not a cereal brand) did I mention I was random? lol. The three F's which are family, friends, and food are of extreme importance to me. Yes you read right. Food. lol.

(4) I would say being able to speak expressively would be my creative talent. Snigger all you want, but mark my words, they do help. Especially during spontaneous presentations (like delivering one at the Malaysian embassy without previous notice) and definitely in my MUET exam in the future. I remember this talent helping me join a story-telling competition when I was twelve, choral speaking when I was fourteen, and being a speaker for Project Warga when I was 15 (technically I spoke two lines because the time ran out. but hey, it helped) and taking part in a drama competition in Form 4. It definitely helps in gaining new friends and cracking jokes. Ooohhh yeaaahh. xD

As for the 'finally back in Malaysia' part, (if anyone was wondering) I was hoisted away six months ago for the YES student-exchange program to stay for six months in the US. I know what you guys are thinking. 6 months in the US without parent supervision?
AWESOME! but you could not be more wrong.

"we're gonna meet the President right?", "NYC here I come!!", "cheers to all-night parties!"

right. my butt landed in Arkansas (which I honestly didn't know it was a state, I thought it was a part of Texas. but all was good, it was a common misconception.) where I stayed with a 65-year old host mum with no host dad nor host siblings. all activity ended at 9 and I slept at 10. Every.Single.Night. lol. except maybe one or two nights where I stayed at my other exchange student friend from Norway's (Hey, Natalie!) house.

hey it wasn't all bad though. Even though I slept early and couldn't ride with teenagers which sorta crippled my outing plans, all was good. I had an awesome coordinator who helped me in any way I can. Plus, she took me
bargain shopping!(ever got chic accessories for a buck?) Lakes were an abundance where I stayed. Meaning implied = SKIING! and wakeboarding and all that. Well, I got the chance to attempt those things! (key word being attempt. I tried 5 times and could not get on the skis =.=) I even got to experience SNOW! xD oh that was fun.(5) I remember my best day ever: snow day! School was closed due to snow issues. I spent the whole day making a snowman and having a snowball fight with 9 year old across the street! He totally kicked my butt. He has extremely good aiming for a 9 year old. (then again, my aiming's totally bad for a 17 year old so maybe he seemed greater than usual). I had so much fun that day. I miss that kid. lol. A simple day you might say; but sometimes simplicity is best for everyone. We speak so much of enjoying simple things in life, but do we practise what we preach?

If anything were to change you, 6 months away in a foreign country would. (1)That's probably my one and only alter ego: the mature side. Or I would say the sombre side. Being bubbly and happy is something I portray in everyday life; however, not many would know the other side of me. The part that observes human nature, world tragedies and life-changing phenomena. The part that believes that everyone's good somehow, that what goes around comes around, and truly believes that love is suppose to grow instead of fade with time. Naivety, would be the word used by some to describe me sometimes. But is being all-knowing all that great?

(6)On a lighter note, losing money sucks. My friend has lost RM800 before just by dropping her purse. Yeah I think that hit her close to home. Personally, I've been pretty fortunate. if I find RM50 randomly flying about, I'd definitely donate it to the nearest temple or charity organization as soon as possible. It'd take forever to find it's original owner and besides, who would reject a free RM50 bill? You wouldn't know who to believe. Putting it to good use would be the best idea (not by me, of course, that would be immoral). RM50 could buy some children some books for school purposes or someone's eyedrops. I know what you're thinking. Who would think RM50 could make such a difference? Most people could blow off RM50 on a cute top, or the latest cellphone cover.

Anywho. (3)Vibrant+Passionate+Temperamental = Red = Me! (Unfortunately, my favourite colour blue doesn't describe me at all. Cool, calm, serene? The total opposite.) (7)When I get passionate about something, I give it my all. Take cheerleading for example.
Synchronization of dance with crazy stunts: no sport could be better. I was in it for two years. Training and drilling my team was tiring but extremely rewarding especially when we won third on our first try! hah. newbies aren't so bad. (a lot of temper was thrown before to achieve perfection, but that's besides the point). Another reason why red describes me best: my temper. My juniors know: never mess with the captain when you've just finished performing the routine and she does not have a happy look on her face. However, all is well. When the routine gets in place and everyone's on the same timing, you have NO idea how good it feels. Being out there on the stage, engaging the crowd with our cheeky smiles and extensive routine; the feeling is...indescribable. It was too bad I couldn't be there this year as I was away in the states. But rest assured, I will be back in the following years to give them as much support as I can, in any way that I can. Advice from former captains are always useful!

(8) In 15 years, I see myself with a booming career as a pharmacist with two children (
preferably twins with a boy and a girl but seeing as the trait does not run in our family gene pool, my chances are slim. One could still hope tho xD) and a loving husband. Volunteering with AFS will definitely be a part of my future. Working with deaf students as an interpreter would be pretty sweet. Have you ever seen deaf people sign? It doesn't only require hand movements, it involves a lot of facial expressions as well. Which is why sign language is so cool. Hence, my desire to learn it. ^^ Then, I would be able to sign as smoothly to my deaf friends as they would to me!

And that would be the end of my
first blog entry in blogspot. (blogdrive made me mad, hence the change) Stick around for more funky stories from SOSY~!